SacValley MedShare:
Health & Human Services

Enabling better data sharing, improving care coordination, and enhancing decision-making across multiple county sectors. 

we work toward eliminating health inequities, both human and electronic

SacValley MedShare is proud to contribute to California’s advancements in digitizing healthcare information and the widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs). These tools are foundational for securely capturing and sharing health information critical to patient care. A significant benefit of these efforts is enabling seamless information sharing between EHRs and other electronic systems, ensuring that the "right information is available to the right end user at the right moment"—particularly at the point of care.

Behavioral health, oral health, post-acute care, and other providers often lack equitable access to robust EHR systems. Additionally, there are persistent challenges in ensuring seamless data flow between healthcare systems and public health, human services (like child welfare), justice/corrections systems, and county programs.

Addressing these gaps will enable providers across sectors to advance whole-person care strategies, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive, coordinated services tailored to their unique needs. At SacValley MedShare, we are committed to closing these gaps and building a connected, equitable future for healthcare and beyond.

Improved Access to Data for Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

SacValley MedShare can integrate health data with social services data to provide a comprehensive view of an individual. This helps HHS agencies address SDOH factors like housing, food insecurity, and transportation, improving overall health outcomes.

Streamlined Care Coordination

SacValley MedShare enables real-time exchange of health data across care providers and agencies, ensuring that HHS services—like child welfare programs, elder care, or mental health services—are integrated with medical care for more holistic support.

Enhanced Emergency Response

During public health emergencies, SacValley MedShare can provide valuable data to HHS agencies for tracking disease outbreaks, managing resources, and ensuring coordinated care delivery.

Support for calaim Programs

SacValley MedShare helps improve the efficiency of CalAim programs by enabling providers to access historical and current patient information, reducing duplicative services, and ensuring cost-effective care.


SmartAlerts® provide real-time alerts or a daily digest file of your patient or member's admissions, discharges, and transfers for payers, hospitals, practices, county agencies when these events happen at a participating member facility.

Data-Driven Policy Development

By aggregating and analyzing data, SacValley MedShare provides insights that HHS agencies can use for evidence-based policy-making, program evaluation, and resource allocation.

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Our Network:
Participating Members


Please take a look at our map to discover the extent of our network of  Health and Human Services Organizations, hospitals, and providers connected through SacValley MedShare. This map provides a visual representation of our commitment to expanding access to quality healthcare across California.