At the Board of Directors meeting on August 8, 2019, SacValley MedShare voted to replace the Vice-Chair position vacated by Chris Jones, with Tony Evans, CIO of Enloe Medical Center. Dr. Kevin Dorsey-Tyler was ratified as a non-voting member. Michael Conti, Technology Manager and County Privacy Officer for Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency was also placed on the board, filling the voting member seat vacated by Dr. Dorsey-Tyler. SacValley MedShare welcomes Mr. Evans and Mr. Conti to the board of directors as their experience and expertise will contribute considerably to the company’s growth and business strategies.
In Recognition and Appreciation of Distinguished Service by Chris Jones
WHEREAS, Chis Jones has served with distinction and honor in multiple capacities at SacValley MedShare, since SacValley MedShare’s inception in 2012 and has retired from service on August 8, 2019; and,
WHEREAS, Chris Jones started out as the first member of the Development Committee, assisted with every technical meeting, volunteered his IT expertise and has a proven history of always being the one to step up and assist wherever needed. Chris Jones was the first participant member of SacValley MedShare to contribute production data to the exchange in 2014. Chris Jones has served on the board of directors since 2012, has served as the vice-chair of the board since 2018, and has served on the finance committee since 2017; and,
WHEREAS, Chris Jones’ contributions as an expert in the IT field as well as his generosity, thoughtfulness, dependability, and support are incomparable and he will be greatly missed by the Board of Directors, the SacValley MedShare staff, all who worked with him on the various committees he was a part of, as well as member participant organizations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that SacValley MedShare’s Board of Directors acknowledges and extends its appreciation and gratefulness to Chris Jones for his unwavering and generous service and substantial contributions by way of this resolution of appreciation adopted by the Board of Directors on August 8, 2019.