SacValley Medshare Selects Diameter Health Platform for Clinical Data Quality

Market enabling technology firm to provide normalized and standardized data to enable clinical analytics

SacValley MedShare, a Health Information Exchange (HIE) serving the twelve counties of the North Central Valley of California has selected the Diameter Health Fusion platform to provide clinical data normalization and standardization services. SacValley Medshare serves 800,000 residents in the largest geographic area of any of the California Health Information Exchanges.

“Now that we have connected communities across our service area – many of which are underserved rural areas from a healthcare perspective – our strategic partnership with Diameter Health will enable us to move to the next level by substantially improving the quality of clinical data that we gather and distribute,” said Elizabeth Steffen, Executive Director at SacValley.  “It’s about more than information management; we want to fulfill the promise of clinical information to improve patient care.

For enterprises like SacValley that integrate clinical data from multiple systems, the Diameter Health platform cures clinical data disorder by normalizing, de-duplicating and enriching clinical data and leveraging interoperability standards so that the data can be used for population health analytics, quality reporting, and other analytic purposes.

“We are excited about the synergies between SacValley Medshare and Diameter Health in improving patient care in the Sacramento River Valley,” said Diameter Health CEO, Eric Rosow. “Creating standardized, normalized clinical data is a necessary first step for establishing a valuable analytic infrastructure, and we look forward to working closely with the SacValley team in the coming years to build a valuable information asset.”

About Diameter Health

  1. Health enables clinical insight through the normalization, cleansing, de-duplication and enrichment of medical data from across the care continuum. This creates a single, unified source of longitudinal structured patient information for improved care and actionable analytics. The Diameter Health platform empowers organizations that depend on multi-source data streams, such as Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), health systems and health plans, to realize greater value from their data.  For more information, visit the website or email us at

About SacValley Medshare

SacValley is a Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) and a member of the California Association of Health Information Exchanges (CAHIE), serving the needs of patients, local populations and everyone involved in their medical care.

The Northern Valley of California is a predominantly-rural region, characterized by the many acres of rich, fertile land of the Sacramento River Valley and the farming communities established upon it. The twelve counties we serve are occupied by a population of approximately 800,000 people.

Tom W. Gaither, Vice President of Marketing, Diameter Health